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Video Inspiration: Our Top YouTube Picks for B2B Sales & Marketing Execs

For many B2B sales and marketing executives, maintaining enthusiasm for their role amid a worldwide pandemic is challenging to say the least.


Months of working remotely or with reduced time in the office have led us to a new “normal” flooded with emails, virtual meetings and webinars. It’s certainly understandable that some of us may be lacking inspiration.


As we head into the final quarter of this unprecedented business year, now is the perfect time to reset and find some new sources of inspiration. If you’re wondering exactly how to do this – either for you or your team – we can help! Our staff has selected a set of the most useful and inspiring videos, specifically curated for the B2B sales and marketing professional. Offering a mix of information, observations, strategies and practical advice, these must-watch videos will help motivate you, even in challenging times. Each clip covers a specific sales and marketing responsibility, getting to the core of what’s really needed for you to thrive right now – and into 2021.


You’ll notice that many of these speakers are well-known thought leaders who offer valuable insights into why we do what we do. I hope you will appreciate their perspectives and get as much inspiration from listening to their wisdom as we did.




“What is Branding?”


Brief but powerful. This short video produced by David Brier, author of Brand Intervention, will get you thinking again about what branding really is – and its endless potential. Everyone has time to view this simple yet visually stunning presentation. It will help you remember the “magic” behind branding – and why you love sharing your brand with others in the first place.





“How to Lead”


There are thousands of great videos out there featuring inspiring leaders, but there is no practical way to view them all. David Rubinstein, co-founder of The Carlyle Group and author of How to Lead, shares snippets of his interviews with the best of the best, offering real and practical leadership advice for us all. You will especially appreciate the insights he gleaned from Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton in a humorous joint interview.





“How to Sell Without Selling Your Soul”


This insightful TED talk centers around redefining what it means to sell. Publicity and marketing consultant/trainer Steve Harrison says selling can be a powerful and positive experience. Using an acronym, Harrison shares a strategy to reach your full sales potential and win new clients and opportunities, all without those high-pressure “selling” tactics that everyone likes to avoid.




“This is Marketing: How to Find Your Viable Audience & Win Trust from Your Target Market”


Chances are you’ve seen some of marketing guru’s Seth Godin’s interviews before and were probably impressed with his vast insights into leadership, branding and everything in-between. In this new interview that details principals outlined in his latest book, This Is Marketing, Godin discusses how to identify your audience, foster connections and ultimately engage with your target market. His book’s subtitle sums it up: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See.


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