The Delia
B2B Blog

Make “cold calling” a thing of the past by mastering
the art of the strategic referral “ask.”

Are you among the many individuals involved in b2b selling who hesitate to ask people in their professional network for referrals? Feeling uncomfortable is understandable for a few reasons. We know because we’ve been there, too. But it can be overcome with a little bit of help, encouragement, and training.


That’s why we created a webinar with valuable information and techniques to help b2b sales professionals master the art of referral introductions. It’s called, The B2B Referral Playbook: Driving Sustainable Growth, and it can jumpstart next-level sales growth by overcoming roadblocks to success like these:



Salespeople often worry that asking for a referral might make their clients uncomfortable or lead to a negative response, damaging the relationship.



There’s a fear that asking for a referral could come across as overly aggressive or self-serving, which might harm the rapport they’ve built with the client.



Many salespeople are unsure of when the right time is to ask for a referral, worrying that bringing it up at the wrong moment could be inappropriate.



If the salesperson hasn’t been trained or hasn’t practiced how to effectively ask for referrals, they might avoid it altogether due to a lack of know-how.


Combined, these factors and others can create a reluctance to ask for referrals, even though they’re a powerful and proven tool for generating new business in B2B sales.


The information in The B2B Referral Playbook: Driving Sustainable Growth provides strategies and techniques of how to generate more than 20 “quality” leads per month strictly from strictly warm referral introductions.


This webinar covers topics that include:


  • Dispelling the myths and mental barriers of asking for referrals.
  • How to avoid the #1 mistake when asking for referrals.
  • Identifying and evaluating your best referral channels.
  • Knowing when and how to ask for an introduction.


It’s hosted by Delia Associates’ President, Ed Delia. Throughout his career, Ed has made it his mission to help hundreds of B2B organizations achieve market and sales leadership.


Discover the techniques that make “asks” easier and more profitable.


Watch this Free Webinar, The B2B Referral Playbook: Driving Sustainable Growth

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