Accelerating Growth With Brand Power

Learn how to accelerate growth using your brand power in this webinar with Ed Delia, President of Delia Associates, hosted by BizHack Academy.   Download Ed’s Presentation >   In this webinar, you will learn: A foundational understanding of a brand Setting up your brand for success How to align marketing tactics with brand growth […]

Delia Associates Wins Three International Communicator Awards

The winners of the 27th Annual Communicator Awards were officially announced by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts on May 4th. Delia Associates was honored with three Communicator Awards of Distinction for clients: Hi-Cone, Fimbel Architectural Doors and Minalex.   With over 6,000 entries received from across the U.S. and around the world, the […]

Delia Creative Work Wins Big at the NJ Ad Club Virtual Awards!

NJ Ad Club held their first-ever virtual “Jersey Awards” on Wednesday, November 11th. We’re honored to have won four awards on behalf of our clients. The Delia Associates team has now earned 37 industry recognitions in the past two calendar years.   And the awards go to…   1st Place – Hi-Cone– Digital Publication 2nd Place […]

B2B Tactics. The Complete List.

What are the Tactical Components in a B2B Marketing Program?   There are only three ways that growth happens in a b2b organization: Get more new customers. Create growth among existing customer base. Increase customer buying frequency. A well thought out, balanced b2b marketing campaign takes all three channels of growth into consideration. We have […]

What is the Relationship between Brand and Marketing?

Brand and Marketing:   The two words are clearly connected and codependent, however, they are not meant to be used interchangeably. Both must be strong for your organization to perform well. For instance, you could have the most innovative marketing strategy in the world, however, if it’s directing people to a brand that is either […]

What is the Customer Value Journey?

The Customer Value Journey Explained.   If marketing is the actions taken to create or further a customer relationship, the Customer Value Journey is “how” that is done. While there are many visuals and expressions as to what this looks like, ours is a simpler version, derived from elements of digital marketer with elements of […]

Creating Your B2B Brand Identity System

Foundational to all b2b brands is the identity system. While some identity systems are more complex and broader reaching than others, there are 10 core elements that virtually all b2b brands require.   Business card Letterhead Envelope E-mail Signature Interior/Exterior Signage Vehicle Signage Apparel Note Cards Presentation Template Info-Sheet Template   Each one, from a […]

B2B Brand Messaging Hierarchy Explained

BRAND MESSAGING HIERARCHY   Here’s a simple breakdown to understand how content can be arranged, aligned and prioritized with the core brand message and intent.   Just like there is a foundational architecture to how b2b brands are physically structured, there is a similar hierarchy to how they properly apply messaging. And when messaging is […]

B2B Brand Architecture for Larger Organizations

THE B2B BRAND ARCHITECTURE B2B companies often require a structured brand architecture when the organization consists of multiple components. For example, the corporation will represent itself as a brand. It’s specific divisions, product or service categories sometimes function as sub-brands to the corporate brand. Additionally, unique product properties, attributes or processes can also be branded. […]

What is a B2B Brand?

I’ve seen so many answers to that question:     A B2B BRAND IS UNIQUE X3   Here’s my definition in the simplest terms: A unique entity with a unique offering for a unique audience.     APPLYING UNIQUE X3   In application, you must always be asking these questions; especially when the introduction of […]