Staying on Your Toes as a B2B Organization.

Sir Isaac Newton’s first law of motion “A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest” is a reminder of the importance of staying on our toes as B2B marketers. Too many b2b brands are operating on their heels and not on their toes. In this video, Ed Delia explains […]

How to Attract Top Talent to Your B2B Organization.

Right now, attracting top talent is the number one issue among all our b2b clients. Most of our clients, recognizing the challenge to acquire experienced personnel, are even opting to train from the ground up for many open positions. And even then, attracting quality candidates is still a major challenge. In this video, Ed Delia […]

How to Optimize Your B2B Exit Plan Valuation.

Far too many B2B executives ignore a critical company asset that maximizes value when formulating an exit plan strategy. B2B brand expert, Ed Delia, explains what it is and how you can put it to work for you in this informative video.   Call us at 908-534-9044 or contact us below if you would like […]

Who we ARE is NOT who we WERE.

You’re moving forward simultaneously on many initiatives to grow your business.  Investing in infrastructure. Acquiring talent. Locking in key contracts. Guiding your teams. Things are in constant motion.   Take a pause. Take a breath. Look at your corporate brand: website, marketing, presentations, etc. You’ve moved the company to a higher level. Is your corporate […]

Marketing + Sales: Are They Aligned or in Silos?

We call it the “Silo Effect.” When marketing initiatives are moving in one direction, and the sales team in another. The two departments – both of which are essential to business development – are not aligned by common objectives. I’ve seen this occur with internal marketing departments as well as outside marketing agencies.   I […]

Excellent Customer Service and How It Relates to B2B Organizations

Excellent Customer Service and how it relates to B2B Organizations. Isn’t that a given? Isn’t that basically table stakes for being a quality B2B organization in North America? Under normal circumstances, I would say, “Absolutely”. But what we have noticed across the COVID pandemic is B2B organizations starting to let customer service slide.   Watch […]