United Together Against COVID-19

My heart goes out to those across our nation and around the world who have directly suffered loss from COVID-19. Having also lost a loved one recently through similar circumstances – underlying conditions compounded by a virus – I truly empathize.   Over the last few days, I have felt a gamut of negative emotions […]

The Five-Phase Journey to Sales Success

Delia Associates specializes in b2b brand development & marketing, online design & search marketing and content marketing services.   A core element of our proprietary and proven Brand Leadership Solution® is the five-phase Brand In The Hand™ “journey” that each b2b customer travels.   Successfully executing on these five dimensions with clients and prospects results […]

Delia Associates’ Top “Pre-Released” Picks for 2020 Super Bowl Ads

Whether it’s celebrating the same football team or watching a favorite 30-second spot, the Super Bowl does an excellent job of bringing family and friends together. We also see mega-brands and not-so-mega brands alike responding to the needs of their customers in a heartfelt way.   The Delia team voted on this year’s Super Bowl […]

A Big Year for Our Clients

The Delia Associates team is grateful beyond words to our long-time, loyal clients and the ones who joined us in 2019. We couldn’t have done it without you. Click play to watch our highlight reel below.     This special tribute to our clients’ award-winning work from the past year is driving our expectations for […]

Top 11 Branding Challenges Facing Mid-Sized Companies

While this post is based on our experiences as a provider of branding, re-branding, and marketing services to mid-sized companies, organizations of all sizes will benefit from this advice. Small, but growing companies will gain insights on how to avoid future branding dilemmas as they head to mid-market size. Larger organizations will benefit too from […]

Helping A Brand Launch And Spring Forward

Workplace English   Bobbi Jakopin, CEO of newly formed Workplace English, asked for our support with brand identity and brand launch initiatives to accelerate the new brand’s ability to create awareness, attraction and engagement with initial clients.   BRANDING & LOGO MARK   We created a brand logo mark for Workplace English, keeping in mind […]