Marketing + Sales: Are They Aligned or in Silos?

We call it the “Silo Effect.” When marketing initiatives are moving in one direction, and the sales team in another. The two departments – both of which are essential to business development – are not aligned by common objectives. I’ve seen this occur with internal marketing departments as well as outside marketing agencies.   I […]

10 Common Rebranding Triggers

We all know the significance of branding. Customers make a series of emotional judgements that shape their entire perception of a product or service. Brands must perpetually innovate and evolve. What’s not so easy is determining when the right time to rebrand is, and whether it’s necessary in the first place.   Here are 10 […]

“Mis-Fit” Marketing: Bad for Your Business.

“Mis-fit marketing” happens when marketing initiatives attract the wrong type of prospects, or “misfits.” They are misaligned with your products, services, pricing, business model, or culture. They will never be great customers, and they never should have become customers in the first place.   “Mis-fit” prospects chew up time and resources. And once you start […]

Does Vanilla Ice Cream Excite You?

I honestly hope none of these statements sound familiar:   “I didn’t know your company did that, too.”   “Never heard of you before.”   “You all basically do the same thing.”   “It comes down to price.”   These comments indicate either a lack of brand visibility or distinction. Customers and prospects do not […]

Losing on price? It may not be a pricing problem.

You make a great presentation. Your company is well-positioned to meet the prospect’s needs. The stars “appear” to align. Then, at the 11th hour, they go with the LCP (Low-Cost Provider).   I know exactly how you feel in that moment because I have been there: mad, frustrated, misled…take your pick from the negative emotions […]

B2B Marketing Challenges: Solutions to Help Boost Business

B2B Marketing Challenges for 2022   The last two years have been challenging for businesses, to say the least. The numbers are discouraging and the effects long-lasting, according to The World Bank. “Global growth is expected to slow to 4.1% in 2022 and 3.2% in 2023 as more nations start unwinding unprecedented levels of fiscal […]

Excellent Customer Service and How It Relates to B2B Organizations

Excellent Customer Service and how it relates to B2B Organizations. Isn’t that a given? Isn’t that basically table stakes for being a quality B2B organization in North America? Under normal circumstances, I would say, “Absolutely”. But what we have noticed across the COVID pandemic is B2B organizations starting to let customer service slide.   Watch […]

Content Marketing for Manufacturers

Make the Leap from Function to Emotional Connection with Content   As a B2B content marketing agency, Delia Associates works with a lot of niche or specialty manufacturers. They make parts and components of larger products, or even parts of parts within those products.   On the surface, these parts or components do not have […]

The Three Big B2B Challenges … and Solutions for 2022

They were years like no others…   B2B companies faced their business challenges head-on, finding innovative ways to adapt and conduct business in the “new normal.” With 2020-2021 behind us, we are all anxious to hit the 2022 reset button!   There are many reasons to be optimistic that 2022 will return us to a […]