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B2B Marketing Challenges: Solutions to Help Boost Business

B2B Marketing Challenges for 2022


The last two years have been challenging for businesses, to say the least. The numbers are discouraging and the effects long-lasting, according to The World Bank. “Global growth is expected to slow to 4.1% in 2022 and 3.2% in 2023 as more nations start unwinding unprecedented levels of fiscal and monetary policy support to tackle the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.”


The good news is that many businesses are getting back to “normal” with remote or hybrid work options and creative solutions to help boost business. Yet there remain challenges that can significantly impact the bottom line if not addressed — marketing challenges, for one. Let’s dive into the B2B marketing challenges for 2022.


Content strategy is M.I.A.


Fact is, the purpose of social media is to create interaction. Yet how often do you see companies just push out content or blogs? Their content isn’t pinned to a true content strategy that encourages beneficial engagement. Perhaps they consider no one cares what they have to say, or that generating in bulk is good enough. Many start out enthusiastically, then stop posting, or post in fits and starts. The end result is ineffective content and little to no interaction with other prospects or customers. It takes a strong, well-thought-out content strategy to encourage engagement.


Implementation is lacking.


Another challenge we often see is ineffective content implementation. A content strategy calendar is a “must” as it will provide the “when” for posting, but equally important, you must determine the “who” and what before posting anything, anywhere. Here are simple guidelines for implementation:


  • Determine who your ideal persona is — who are you speaking to?
  • Decide what you have to say to make them engage — put together an array of topics
  • Align your content to the persona and strategy


Remember this rule of thumb — you want the reader to feel like you’re speaking to him or her in a personal way; that you understand them, their role and their situation. Engagement — and the payoff — will naturally follow.


Going it alone.


So often, we see businesses struggling with content strategy and implementation. That’s where Delia Associates excels. We can help your business maximize its impact on social media and overcome marketing challenges, whether you’re a manufacturer or service provider.

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Automation Technology

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