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15 Years with Lori Schiraldi Delia, Esq. of Delia Associates

We would like to honor Lori Schiraldi Delia, Esq., Vice President & General Counsel of Delia Associates, for her devotion to our team and company over the past 15 years.


In honor of Lori’s 15 years as Delia Associates’ Vice President & General Counsel, we thought it would be fun to do a “Work Anniversary Interview” to capture her working experience and memorable moments at Delia Associates.


Here’s what she had to say:


  1. What’s your favorite part of the job?
    Working with all of the talented professionals that make up Delia Associates. Everyone brings outstanding skill sets and strengths to the team, so I am learning something new every day.
  2. What has been your biggest achievement/success at Delia Associates?
    I would say the recent handling of the COVID-19 restrictions set forth by New Jersey Governor, Phil Murphy. I was closely following the national news and trends, including how the governor of California was responding to the pandemic. As a New Jersey employment lawyer, I closely watch California, because New Jersey tends to follow California when it comes to employment laws and trends. When I saw that California was shutting down, I anticipated that New Jersey would soon follow the same course. I immediately drafted our COVID-19 policies and worked closely with Matt Taylor, our Managing Director, who was instrumental in envisioning and implementing our work-from-home technical infrastructure. Before our Governor issued the quarantine order, Delia Associates’ remote working environment was fully implemented, tested, and refined, and our team was trained on our remote work environment. When Governor Murphy’s order was indeed issued, Delia Associates did not miss a beat and was open for “business as usual” without any interruptions. This allowed us to seamlessly support our clients with their existing programs, provide our clients with recommendations and support for new or revamped initiatives prompted by the current environment, and even offer our clients suggestions (based on our own experiences) on how to streamline their workforces and operations in light of the COVID-19 restrictions.
  3. Describe Delia Associates in 3 words.
    Teamwork (because our best work and successes come from working together), Resilient (because the business has successfully transformed many times over the past 56+ years to meet changing needs, technological developments, and even varying economic climates), and Family (both because Delia Associates was started by my late father-in-law, Michael A. Delia, and because we consider our team family).
  4. What do you like most about working at Delia Associates?
    I am not involved in the development of the work, so I always enjoy seeing the end product, which blows me away. It is that good! And I know it is not just me who feels this way – we receive tremendous client feedback and the work has been rewarded with a countless number of national and international awards.
  5. Looking back on the past 15 years, what is your proudest moment at Delia Associates?
    Seeing how happy my late father-in-law was that Ed and I were successfully carrying on his legacy. When he started Delia Associates in 1964, he said that he wanted to create something that would live on after him. I am most proud that we were able to fulfill his vision.


Thanks so much for all you do, Lori. Many congratulations to you for achieving such a tremendous milestone in your career at Delia Associates.



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